
Perfectly prepared

Finishing the Stoneman Miriquidi in one day is a demanding road bike challenge.

290 kilometres, many metres in altitude. The numbers don't matter – only your endurance and ambition.

As always: You choose your starting point yourself – just as it suits you best. You are also completely free to choose the date of your trip within the season.

12 tips for your gold ride (1 day) on the Stoneman Miriquidi Road

Stoneman Miriquidi Road Rennrad Erzgebirge 30
  • It is best to ride in the weeks between June and August. During this period the daily sunshine lasts at least 13.5 hours.
  • Start right after sunrise and only if you are physically and mentally fit.
  • Take a close look at the Roadbook in your starter pack and read the stage descriptions. Memorize the risk areas in particular!
  • Check the weather forecast and bring appropriate clothing. Temperatures change between altitudes and the weather in the mountains can change quickly.
  • Check your bike and all components very carefully. The Roadbook in the starter pack containes instructions for your bike check.
  • Despite the dense signposting, use a GPS device with the current GPS-track as a precaution. This way you won't lose any time if you miss a sign.
  • You will receive the current GPS-track by e-mail after your starter pack reservation. The issuing offices and accommodation partners also always have the current GPS-track with all seasonal adjustments
  • Take enough water and food with you. Be sure to refill your water reserves whenever possible. Maybe the next water station is temporarily unavailable.
  • Take your time to read the information board at the checkpoints. That way you can relax, pause for a moment and prepare for the next stage.
  • Bring a whistle if you're riding alone. Inform your starter pack issuing office if you return later than planned or have to cancel. You will find the number in the Roadbook in your starter pack.
  • In order to be reachable on the Czech section through the mobile phone network, you should set up your phone accordingly.
  • The Stoneman Miriquidi is not to be underestimated: For gold, your annual mileage should be at least 5,000 bicycle kilometres.

Ready for gold?